Public and Anonymous Endorsement

The Public and Anonymous Endorsement feature allows users to endorse other governance participants using the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS). This service enables the creation of verifiable attestations on the Ethereum blockchain, providing a secure and transparent way to recognize and validate contributions. Participants can endorse others publicly or choose to keep their endorsement anonymous, depending on their preference for privacy.

Public Endorsement:

Public endorsements are openly visible on the blockchain, allowing the endorser's identity to be seen by others. This type of endorsement helps build trust and transparency within the community, as participants can publicly recognize each other's contributions.

Anonymous Endorsement

Anonymous endorsements enable users to share their support without revealing their identity. This is achieved by utilizing advanced cryptographic techniques, such as Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), to hide the endorser's identity while still providing a valid endorsement. This feature encourages candid feedback and support without the fear of social repercussions, fostering a more open and supportive environment.

How It Works

  1. Creating an OP Passport: After creating an OP Passport, users can search for any address, currently limited to delegates, delegators, and badgeholders.

  2. Accessing the Endorsement Feature: Navigate to the "Endorsement" button.

  3. Filling Out Endorsement Details: Users can fill out the title and details of the endorsement they wish to give.

  4. Selecting the Role: Choose to endorse the participant as a Delegate, Delegator, or Badgeholder, depending on the role applicable.

  5. Anonymous Endorsement Option: Users can choose to endorse anonymously by selecting the "Hide your identity" option, allowing them to support others without revealing their name.

    • Password Setup for Anonymous Endorsement: If opting for an anonymous endorsement, users must set a password. This password is required to revoke the endorsement later. If the password is forgotten, the endorsement cannot be revoked in the future.

Revoking an Endorsement

Users can revoke their endorsements, a feature provided by the attestation system. The revocation process is straightforward:

  • Public Endorsement: For public endorsements, users can simply click the "Revoke" button on the specific endorsement they wish to withdraw.

  • Anonymous Endorsement: To revoke an anonymous endorsement, users must enter the password they set during the endorsement process. This password ensures that the endorsement can only be revoked by the original endorser.

The Public and Anonymous Endorsement feature offers a versatile and secure way for community members to recognize each other's contributions, whether openly or privately. This functionality enhances the overall governance experience by promoting transparency, accountability, and supportive engagement among participants.

Last updated